Campus Tour

The School

Broadway Accent School & Broadway Accent High School is established by the Broadway Charitable Trust to realize the ideal of service and managed by an organisation consisting of eminent educationists , socially conscious professionals and dedicated teachers. It is our commitment to tum out from the portal of Broadway Accent School well balanced integrated personalities with an amalgamation of East and West culture.

Why Us?

Broadway Accent School & Broadway Accent High School provides ample scope to the students to achieve their full potential academically and through a wide range of athletic and artistic activities in a disciplined environment. The school fosters an appreciation of human creative skills and stimulates intellectual curiosity among the students so that they can see learning as a lifelong process. The school endeavours to provide not only pedantic leaming but a genuine and holistic education in a stress free environment through activity classes.


Broadway Accent School & Broadway Accent High School aim at successful deliverance of education by encouraging clear thinking, recognizing individual talents in all kinds of students at different stages of development, illustrating the inter- relationship of all human knowledge and inculcating the virtue of tolerance so that they can meaningfully contribute to the National and International Society. Our aim and mission is not to be a face in the crowd but a towering personality, a force to reckon with and to undertake a resolve to make the Nation proud. Towards the accomplishment of this resolve our endeavours are synergized. 'To know myself' is the motif that helps the students to emerge as successful persons with human virtues.